Our Story

welcome to The Little Big Dairy Co.
Our family comes from a long, proud line of dairy farmers. In 2012, our family decided to bring the beautiful, sustainably produced milk from our farm to market by starting a different type of dairy company focused on the best milk you can buy. We do this because we’re driven to keep farming. For us it is more than a business, it’s what we live and breathe. At the heart of our farm on the banks of the Macquarie River are 2 generations of our family who work tirelessly to bring you Australia’s best tasting Single Source dairy brand.

We each have a role, working together through the supply chain.
While we all love the life we lead, we know that that passion alone is not enough to keep our family on the land. Nor are generations of knowledge, a commitment to sustainable farming, or our purebred Holsteins. But together, these achievements, big and small, amount to something precious, The Little Big Dairy Co.

Delivering The Best Tasting, Single Source Milk You’ll Drink To As Many People As Possible
We started The Little Big Dairy Co to deliver the best tasting, Single Source milk you’ll drink to as many people as possible, supporting the economy in which it was made. Starting small supplying our local area our milks are now listed across New South Wales & the ACT. They are available in cafes and retailers who share our belief in high quality products with a trusted provenance.

The intimacy of our process, is what guarantees the integrity, quality and health benefits of our delicious Single Source milk
Because we control the product from start to finish, milking through to processing and into the bottle. This smallness, the intimacy of our process, is what guarantees the integrity, quality and health benefits of our delicious Single Source milk. But what really makes us special is our large herd of beautiful Holsteins, born and raised on our farm. Each has a name, which we know by heart.

The Little Big Dairy
Co delivers high
quality milk from
one dairy, traceable
down to the very
cow that made it
They make us who we are, and it’s their
happiness and health that allow us to deliver
over 11 million litres of milk every year.
Family owned, The Little Big Dairy Co
delivers high quality milk from one dairy,
traceable down to the very cow that made it.
It’s the smallness of our process combined
with our ability to supply in large quantities
that allow us to share our milk with many. I
am so excited to bring our Little Big Dairy
milk to you. It’s everything we believe in,
captured in a bottle.

Our family
Family Photo
(left) Family photo, Bruce, Lammie, Andrew, Erika and Stuart Duncan. 70s (right) Family photo, Ken, Mick, Geoff, Judi, Steve and Liz

Steve and Erika married, although dairying
is in both families long before this.


Erika Duncan presents the Junior Champion Heifer trophy to Craig Vleggett, who paraded Brookleigh G.H. brinte to win the award. Erika is assisted by the judge Stephen Chesworth

Steve with cow
named Blossom 1984

Erika's pop Ronald Duncan on his milk run near Newcastle circa 1949

Erika's Dad Bruce and his
little sister Barbra circa 1949
1990 Emma was born
Steve planting trees with baby Emma in the pram 1990.

1991 Duncan was born
Duncan was born, we moved to our first farm ‘Amberly Vale’, Ken and Judi have always been a huge financial and loving support to our family.

Baby Duncan 1991 in
pram at the dairy.

Pan(Ken) with baby
Duncan and Emma 1991
Steve, Pa and Emma renovating Amberly Vale dairy 1993.

1994 Campbell was born

The 3 kids with Dash the cow.
Family Golden Retriever Dougal with the 3 kids, Bureen 1996.

Deregulation and put Bureen on the market - leased Rossett
Our family moved from the Hunter Valley to The Central West!


Duncans special cow Matti with Campbell and Duncan, Glen Isla 2005.

Steve and Pa at Glen Isla

Emma turns 18 at Newcastle
beach holiday.

Sydney Royal Best Pen of 3 cows, with the 3 kids on the halters.

Dairy Built

Campbell milking in old swing
over dairy 2009.

Duncan feeding calves 2009.

Erika and Steve with
Champion cow.

Steve and Duncan at Yeoval
cattle yards working with heifers
on adjistment. 2009.
New dairy built at Glen Isla, 28 a side rapid exit herringbone with basement.

Developing Farm

Emma and Campbell at dairy
yards getting ready for a show.

Erika and Steve milking.
Glen Isla 2010.

Steve and Campbell milking. Glen Isla 2010.

Sydney Show is always a
great time to catch up with
family and friends, 2011.

Erika and Steve at Ken (Pa)
and Judi (Ma-ma) 50th
Wedding anniversary!

Establishing LB - trips to Tassie, WA and QLD
Duncan home fulltime/Emma and Jim married/Cam finished school

Erika and Steve Emma
and Jim wedding

Emma and Jim married
Little Big kicked off, Nate was born

lots of farmers markets Little
Big grows, farm expands.

Started a depot in Canberra.

2014 Erika at the animal nursery at Dubbo Show.

2014 Little Big's first trophy DIAA awards.

Xavier born

Danielle and Duncan
get married
Lottie born/LB Grand Dairy Awards

Erika and Emma at
The Australian Grand
Dairy awards night.

Automatic filler
installed at the factory.

Steve and Duncan in
the yards at dairy.

Duncan milking

Dan feeding calves
with baby Lottie
in backpack.

Quality the cow with
Steve and Xavier.

Lots of helpers at the farmers market each weekend.

Australian Grand
Dairy Awards night.

Danielle with baby
Lottie in pram at dairy.

Steve Erika, Danielle,
Duncan, Jim and Emma
celebrating the Grand Dairy
Champion award.

Nate with Duncan.

Erika and Emma
with Erika's famous

Duncan with Nate and
Lottie in the corn crop.

Jim and Duncan
checking the weather
app at the dairy.

Steve and Erika in the
new vat room at the dairy
2018 Olive & Wilfred born

Forbes show
Nate and Xavier

4 generations of Chesworths
in the workshop, Steve, Nate,
Ken and Duncan.

Xavier with his baby
brother Wilfred.

Baby Olive with
Dan and Lottie.

Family photo Emma
Xavier Wilfred and Jim

Steve with Forbes Show
Junior Champion cow.

Duncan at Forbes
show with senior
champion cow Gina.

Forbes show 4 generations,
Steve, Ken, Nate and Duncan

Danielle, Lottie, Nate, Olive
and Duncan family photo.

Campbell home for holidays
working at the farm.

Sydney Royal Grand Champion Starbaby & Grand Dairy Awards

Little Big Dairy is awarded
Champion Cream at The
Australian Grand Dairy Awards.

Steve and Erika

Emma and Jim in
the factory.

Christmas party with all
combined staff and families.

2019 Champion Holstein Stanley Starbaby
Photo: Campbell, Duncan, Starbaby, Steve,
Nate and Erika.

Sydney Royal Easter
Show Duncan and Steve

Steve (Poppo) with his 5
grandchildren walking across
Wrights Crossing, Coolbaggie Creek

Poppo with Xavier, Nate,
Lottie, Wilfred and Olive.

Little Big site expansions

Want to try it for yourself?
Here's Where You Can Buy Our Products
Unlike most dairy brands, 1km down the road from our milking parlour is our own processing plant. This means we can guarantee the traceability, quality and integrity of our Single Source milk.