
Western Magazine: Big national win for Dubbo’s Little Big Dairy

“We’re coming over the mountains !” That’s the promise Dubbo’s Chesworth family have made after winning an Australian Grand Dairy Award for their less cream milk product. On the back of the prestigious award, the Chesworths have signed an agreement with a dairy distributor to sell their Little Big Dairy...

Forbes Show 2016

Last week 6 cows from Little Big went to Forbes Show to compete against 50 other cows from the region. Our girl Gina was reserve cow, Ruby was honourable mention, with blue ribbons being awarded to Tessie and Gina. Go girls!

Aus Food News: Little Big Dairy Co takes home multiple medals from NSW dairy competition

A small regional dairy company has been named best in state at the Dairy Industry Association of Australia’s New South Wales awards. ‘Little Big Dairy Co’, based in Dubbo, took out gold medal places for its full cream and ‘less cream’ milks. It also won gold for its pouring cream...

Big win for Little Big Dairy

Little Big Dairy Co milk has been named best in state at the Dairy Industry Association of Australia's NSW Awards of Excellence held in Sydney recently. The Dubbo based single-source dairy won a string of gold medals for it's milk and cream products, with it's non-homogenised whole milk entry going...

Dubbo Photo News: Milk Industry Curdles in Price War

A social media campaign urging people to buy locally produced milk has led to a minor spike in sales, but people need to be far more educated about where their food is coming from according to local milk producer Emma Elliott, a seventh generation dairy farmer who’s a director of...

Daily Liberal: Consumers support farmers: Premium brand milk is 'walking out the door'

Premium brand milk from Dubbo is "walking out the door" this week as consumers offer their support to embattled Aussie dairy farmers. Dubbo-based family-owned Little Big Dairy Company reports increased demand for its products, with the outlets it supplies asking to increase their orders. It comes after Australia's two biggest...

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